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Collaborate and Create

Revolutionize Your Music with VNYL

Forge meaningful connections with your fan base, take control of your music's ownership, and diversify your revenue streams.

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Empower Your Journey

Lead Your Fan Engagement & Your Career

Unleash the potential of your music career and foster genuine connections with your fans through VNYL, a cutting-edge platform designed to reshape the way artists interact with their fan base. In an industry where authentic engagement is paramount, VNYL enables you to break free from the traditional constraints of music labels and middlemen.

Collaborate directly with fans, giving them the opportunity to witness and contribute to the magic of music creation and innovation while you establish stronger bonds and redefine your musical journey together.

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VNYL for Artists

Embrace the power of collaboration and connection, and take your music career to new heights with VNYL. Join the Waitlist now, and forge a new path in the ever-evolving world of music.

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purple piano keysConnect with fansblue squeares decoration


Our fans want a deeper connection and with their support, they deserve it. Bypass intermediaries and create direct relationships with the fans who support you the most.

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Every artist has those moments in the creative process where we just do not know which way to go! Through the use of polls, surveys, video submissions, and more, you can let your fans guide you. Empower fans to join your creative process and harness their collective human intelligence.

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Every artist knows that our fans turn our craft into a career. Through VNYLab, artists can monetize fan engagement like never before all while treating fans with the respect they deserve. Keep your fans for a lifetime while maximizing your artistic independence.



Use your VNYLab experience not only as a new revenue source; but as a way to explore unique income streams and revenue opportunities.

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Early Access

Be among the first artists to lead a creative revolution with VYNLab.

See VNYL Artist

Discover other ground-breaking artists who have already joined the VNYL movement. See VNYL Artists

How it works

VNYL Empowers Fans with Shared Ownership and Earnings

VNYLab uses smart contracts uniquely enabling both artists and fans to become direct stakeholders in the music they create together. This way, they can earn money from their collaboration without needing a big music label. By assigning real value to these Tokens, VYNLab makes sure the experience is rewarding for everyone involved.

how it works

Frequently Asked Questions

How does VNYLab benefit artists?

How does it work?

Can any artist work with VNYL?

How is song ownership decided?

Why should I work with VNYLab?

How do I get started on VNYLab?

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Discover the VNYL Experience