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Collaborate and Create

Become Part of the Creative Journey

Connect, collaborate, and co-create with your favorite artists for an unparalleled musical experience.

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The Ultimate Backstage Experience

VNYL is where every fan becomes an essential part of the music-making process. Experience unprecedented access to your favorite artists as you collaborate to create captivating tunes and lasting memories together. Through VNYL, you get the chance to witness the artistry behind some of your favorite tracks and contribute your ideas and be a part of the creative evolution.

Immerse yourself in a world where fans and artists unite, transforming the musical landscape into something truly magical.

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VNYL for Fans

Discover a whole new world of fan and artist collaboration with VNYL, where you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the exhilarating process of music-making.

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The Historic album


Join the creative revolution and be part of your next favorite song. Participate in the creative process, offering input and creative direction to artists and producers. Plus, you'll get a single run, commemorative vinyl pressing for every song or album you work on.

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Experience the creative process like never before. Get invited to members-only events and exclusive live performances with VNYLab artists.

blue ticket iconIntimate performance, invited event onlynotepad icon
blue shadow for the backgroundAlbum you contributed to


Your creative contributions will be rewarded with ownership in every song or album you work on in VNYLab. Our artists believe that if you put in the work, you should reap the rewards.

Early Access

Be among the first to access VYNLab and connect with your favorite artists.

Join Community

Engage with the VNYL community, discuss the latest trends in music, and stay updated on all things VYNLab.

How it works

VNYL Empowers Fans with Shared Ownership and Earnings

VNYLab uses smart contracts uniquely enabling both artists and fans to become direct stakeholders in the music they create together. This way, they can earn money from their collaboration without needing a big music label. By assigning real value to these Tokens, VYNLab makes sure the experience is rewarding for everyone involved.

how it works

Frequently Asked Questions

How can fans participate even if they don't have musical skills?

What benefits do fans receive for participating?

What happens at the end of the fan engagement experience?

Can I participate in multiple fan engagement experiences?

How is song ownership determined and managed?

Which music rights do fans earn from?

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Discover the VNYL Experience